10 October 2014

Clams Bulhão Pato / Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato.

Bulhão Pato clams got their name from a famous portuguese Poet. Raimundo António de Bulhão Pato was his name and since he mentioned them in one of his writings, they became very popular.
This way of cooking clams is the most portuguese, easy and traditional cooking method.
A very simple recipe and after eating your pile of clams you end up with a delicious soupy broth that you can have with a spoon or simply dunk your bread in.
ingredients (serves 4):
1kg clams, washed and soaked in salted water for a minimum of 2 hours
2 garlic cloves, finely sliced
100ml white wine
a knob of butter
1 tbsp coriander leaves, chopped
juice of half a lemon
100ml olive oil
Heat the olive oil and sliced garlic in a large shallow saucepan, over a medium high heat.
Stir in the drained clams.
Add the white wine and reduce until it's almost evaporated.
Cover the pan with a lid. Shake the pan and check if the clams are all opened.
Add a knob of butter and keep on shaking the pan until it melts in the sauce.
Sprinkle with the chopped coriander leaves and drizzle with the lemon juice.
Take off the heat and serve with nice crusty bread.

Todos nós portugueses sabemos de onde vem o nome das amêijoas à Bulhão Pato e quanto a mim, esta é das melhores formas de as degustar.
Nós cá em casa adoramos amêijoas e sempre que há oportunidade, comemos, na Escócia, amêijoas com sabor e cheiro a Portugal.
Esta é uma receita do nosso José Avillez, um Chef de quem gosto imenso.
ingredientes (para 4 pessoas):
1kg amêijoas, bem lavadas e demolhadas em água salgada por um mínimo de 2 horas
2 dentes de alho, laminados
100ml vinho branco
1 noz de manteiga
1 colher sopa de folhas de coentros, picadas
sumo de meio limão
100ml de azeite
Aquecer o azeite com os alhos num tacho largo e baixo.
Adicionar as amêijoas, mexer e refrescar com o vinho branco.
Deixar evaporar o álcool, tapar o tacho e abanar o tacho até que as amêijoas abram todas.
Juntar a manteiga para engrossar o molho.
Polvilhar com os coentros e regar com o sumo do limão.

Recipe / Receita:

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